I have decided to take part in another tournament. I paid $65 for the first one, including all the necessary memberships, so I figure that I should at least try to get my money's worth out of the USCF and the NSCA! The upcoming tourney is the weekend of March 24th, giving me almost 3 weeks to get ready. I have posted up a question on the Chess Exchange Forum and already gotten some good feedback.
In preparation, I'm going to load up my ChessMaster 9000 disk on my laptop and try to go through the tactical puzzles everyday. I am also going to get at least three 10 minuet games a day on the Playchess and I have upped my game load on ChessWorld to 24 games. I am still working my way through "The Complete Idiots Guide to Chess", but in a more casual way than I'm planning on pursuing games. I get a lot from reading, but I feel I really need the practice of more games to put what I'm learning to use.
The major drawback from all this practice is I will have to sacrifice some sleep. Working third shift, I have gotten used to taking a nap from about 8:30 to 10:30. But this is the time that I will be on PlayChess. Ahh the sacrifices of seeking success! I'll let you know how everything is going soon!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
2 Games Up
I finally got around to entering in the games from the first two rounds from the Columbus Valentine tournament. The first game was a rather short one. I had 39 minutes remaining and my opponent had 41. It was not the best game that I have ever played. the second game lasted much longer, with myself having 13 minutes and Durwood having only 2 minutes left. After he captured my queen on move 10 I decided to pull back and play for a draw. Unfortunately he was able to promote his f pawn and was able to get behind my king and chase me into submission. I'll try to get my third game up in a couple of days. Its just so hectic around the house I can't get anything done. The link to the games is under "View my games" on the right.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Columbus Valentine Tournament
I decided to go ahead and play in the tournament today instead of just watching. It was a good experience, even tough I went 1/2-4 (I think that's the way that you put that you got one half point out of a possible 4). I got the 1/2 point by taking a bye in the last round. It was a 4:20 start time for the round, and the day started at 8:30 in the morning. By the end of the third round I was exhausted, and my play really suffered. In fact I came home, ate some pizza and went to bed. I tried to get some good sleep last night, but being so used to being up all night for work, it was an off and on type sleep.
I played in the reserve section (under 1500) with 4 other guys, all rated in the 1200's. I figured that I didn't stand much of a chance, so loosing all the games I played was not as depressing as it could have been. I was also able to get the number one seed in the section to go over our game, which was very informative. This was also the game where I made the most obvious blunders! Now I understand why they say that chess players have to be in good physical shape.
I am going to input my games into ChessDB and get a PGN file of them so I can post them on my past games list so all of you can take a look, but I'm still a bit tired and I have to be awake to babysit in the morning, so that will have to wait. So until next time.....
I played in the reserve section (under 1500) with 4 other guys, all rated in the 1200's. I figured that I didn't stand much of a chance, so loosing all the games I played was not as depressing as it could have been. I was also able to get the number one seed in the section to go over our game, which was very informative. This was also the game where I made the most obvious blunders! Now I understand why they say that chess players have to be in good physical shape.
I am going to input my games into ChessDB and get a PGN file of them so I can post them on my past games list so all of you can take a look, but I'm still a bit tired and I have to be awake to babysit in the morning, so that will have to wait. So until next time.....
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
"An Introduction to Chess Moves and Tactics Simply Explained"
I just finished "An Introduction to Chess Moves and Tactics Simply Explained" by Leonard Barden. A good book, although you can tell it is a bit aged. I think that the best part of the book is the annotated game in the last chapter. It gives a good insight as to why a move is a good one or a bad one. I haven't gotten much exposure to the why of a move and I found it quite interesting.
Logged into the PlayChess server and got in a good game. I actually ended up winning by black's resignation. I also put in my serial number, so I am an official member for the next year. I think I really need to get on there more and get the experience.
Logged into the PlayChess server and got in a good game. I actually ended up winning by black's resignation. I also put in my serial number, so I am an official member for the next year. I think I really need to get on there more and get the experience.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
More books arrived!
I just received my latest book order. I got "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Chess" and a new title, "The Big Book of Chess" by Eric Schiller. You know I'm considering the "Guide" as my bible for the moment. "The Big Book of Chess" appears to be a "covers everything" type of book (from scanning the contents). It looks to explain all of the aspects of the grand game, from a bit on openings and endgames, to explaining the different tournament types, to the proper appearance and attitude to have at a chess event (again just from reading the contents). This looks like one that I can't wait to delve into!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Scathing game report!
I just got checkmated in a game on the ChessWorld.net. I decided to go ahead and run the game through a full analysis with Fritz 10. I thought that we each played a pretty good game and I simply lost in the endgame. Turns out Fritz figured that I was lost ofter move 9 or 10! Here is the analysis for your reading pleasure:
[Event "www.ChessWorld.net server game"]
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net "]
[Date "2007.02.10"]
[Round "?.22"]
[White "Raths"]
[Black "guynaub"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C27"]
[WhiteElo "1523"]
[BlackElo "1190"]
[Annotator "Fritz 10 (30s)"]
[PlyCount "112"]
[EventDate "2007.??.??"]
{C27: Vienna Game: 2...Nf6 3 Bc4 Nxe4}
1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. d3 Bb4+ {last book move}
4. Nc3 d5 {Black threatens to win material: d5xc4}
5. a3 $4 {with this move White loses his initiative} (5. exd5 Nxd5 6. Qf3 Be6 $14) 5...Ba5 (5... Bxc3+ $5 {seems even better}
6. bxc3 dxc4 7. Nf3 $19) 6. Nf3 $4 {White lets it slip away} (6. exd5 $142 {is the best chance} Bg4 7. f3 $14) 6...dxc4 $19 7. dxc4 (7. Nxe5 cxd3 8. cxd3 $19)
7... Nc6 (7... Bxc3+ $142 $5 {makes it even easier for Black} 8. bxc3 Qxd1+ 9. Kxd1 Nxe4 10. Re1 Nxf2+ 11.Ke2 $19) 8. O-O $4 {further deteriorates the position} (8. Qxd8+ Kxd8 9. b4Nxb4 10. axb4 Bxb4 $17)
8... Be6 (8... Bxc3 $142 {and the result of the game is clear: Black will win} 9. Qxd8+ Kxd8 10. bxc3Nxe4 $19)
9. b4 Bb6 (9... Bxc4 $142 10. bxa5 Bxf1 11. Qxf1 a6 $19)
10. Qe2 $4 (10. c5 $142 {had to be tried to avoid defeat} Bxc5 11. bxc5 $15) 10... Nd4 $1911. Qd3 Bxc4 (11... Nxf3+ $142 {and Black takes home the point} 12. Qxf3 Bxc4$19)
12. Qxc4 $15 Nxc2 {Black king safety dropped} (12... Nxf3+ 13. gxf3 Qd414. Qb3 $15)
13. Ra2 {White threatens to win material: Ra2xc2} Bd4 $4 {The black bishop on an outpost} (13... Nd4 $142 {saving the game} 14. Nxe5 Qe7$11)
14. Ng5 (14. Rxc2 {might be the shorter path} O-O 15. Rd1 Qe7 16. Nxd4exd4 17. Rxd4 Rfe8 $18)
14... Rf8 (14... O-O 15. Rxc2 c6 $18)
15. Rxc2 a5 (15... c6 {cannot change destiny} 16. Ne2 Bb6 17. Ng3 $18)
16. Rd1 Ra6 (16... c6{is not the saving move} 17. Nf3 axb4 18. axb4 $18 (18. Rxd4 $6 {is clearly worse} exd4 19. Nb1 Nxe4 $16) (18. Nxd4 $6 {is clearly inferior}bxc3 19. Bf4 exf4 $18))
17. Qb5+ (17. Nf3 $142 {seems even better} axb4 18.axb4 Ng4 19. Nxd4 exd4 $18)
17... Qd7 (17... c6 {does not solve anything} 18.Qe2 axb4 19. axb4 $18)
18. Qxb7 Rb6 (18... Rd6 {desperation} 19. Qa8+ Ke7 20.Qxa5 Bxc3 $18)
19. Qa8+ Ke7 20. Qa7 (20. Qxa5 $142 {keeps an even firmer grip}Re8 21. Be3 Kf8 $18)
20... c6 (20... axb4 {a fruitless try to alter the course of the game} 21. Ne2 c6 22. Qxd7+ Nxd7 23.axb4 $18)
21. Qxd7+ (21. Qxa5 $142 {secures the point} Rb7 22. Nf3 $18)
21...Nxd7 22. Nxh7 Rh8 23. Ng5 Nf6 (23... axb4 {praying for a miracle} 24. axb4 Rhb8$18)
24. bxa5 Ra6 25. Bd2 (25. Ne2 $142 {and White can already relax} Ba7 26.Ng3 g6 $18)
25... Rxa5 (25... Ng4 {does not improve anything} 26. Be1 Rxh2 27.Nf3 $18)
26. Rb1 (26. Ne2 $142 $5 {seems even better} Rha8 27. Bxa5 Rxa5 28.Rxc6 Rxa3 29. Rc7+ Nd7 30. Nxd4 exd4 31. Nxf7 Rc3 $18)
26... Rha8 (26... Rc5 {does not save the day} 27. Rb7+ Nd7 28. Nf3 $18)
27. Rb7+ (27. Nd5+ $142 {might be the shorter path} Rxd5 28. exd5 $18)
27... Kd6 (27... Ke8 {cannot undo what has already been done} 28. Nd5 $1 {Decoy: d5} R5a7 29. Nxf6+gxf6 30. Rxa7 Rxa7 31. Nh7 Rxa3 32. Nxf6+ Kd8 33. h4 Ra1+ 34. Kh2 $18) 28. a4 (28. Nb5+ cxb5 29. Nxf7+ Ke6 30. Rc6#)
28... R8a7 (28... c5 {does not help much}29. Rxf7 Rxa4 30. Nxa4 Rxa4 31. Rxg7 $18)
29. Rxf7 (29. Nb5+ cxb5 30. Nxf7+ Ke631. Rc6#)
29... Bxc3 (29... Rxf7 {doesn't do any good} 30. Nb5+ $3 {Discovered attack: c3, d2-a5} Rxb5 31. Nxf7+ (31. axb5 $6 Rc7 $18) 31... Ke732. axb5 Kxf7 33. bxc6 Nxe4 34. Bb4 $18)
30. Bxc3 Rxa4 31. h3 (31. f3 $142 {keeps an even firmer grip} c5 $18)
31... Ra2 (31... Rxf7 {doesn't change the outcome of the game} 32. Nxf7+ Ke7 33. Nxe5 Rxe4 34. Nxc6+Kf7 35. Rb2 $18)
32. Bb2 (32. Bb4+ {makes it even easier for White} c5 33. Rxc5R2a4 34. Rcc7+ Rxb4 35. Rxa7 Nxe4 36. Rfd7+ Kc5 37. Rac7+ Kb5 38. Rb7+ Kc6 39.Rdc7+ Kd5 40. Rxb4 Nxg5 41. Rb5+ Ke6 42. Rb6+ Kd5 43. Rd7+ Kc5 $18)
32... Nxe4(32... Rxf7 {is the last straw} 33. Bxe5+ $1 {Decoy: d5} Kxe5 34. Nxf7+ Kxe435. Rxa2 c5 $18)
33. Nxe4+ Kd5
34. Nf6+ $1 {surprise!} Ke6 (34... gxf6 35. Xxf6{Combination})
35. Rf8 (35. Rxa7 $142 {and White can celebrate victory} Rxa736. Rxc6+ Kf7 $18)
35... gxf6 (35... Ke7 {cannot change what is in store for ?}36. Nh7 Rb7 37. Ba3+ Rxa3 38. Rxc6 $18)
36. Rxc6+ Ke7 (36... Kd5 {doesn't improve anything} 37. Rb6 R2a6 38. Rfxf6 Rxb6 39. Rxb6 e4 $18)
37.Rfxf6 (37. Rcxf6 $142 {and White can already relax} e4 38. Bd4 R7a6 39. Bc5+Kd7 40. R8f7+ Kc8 $18)
37... Ke8 (37... Rxb2 38. g4 e4 $18)
38. Bxe5 Re2 (38...Rd2 {doesn't change anything anymore} 39. Rh6 Rd5 40. f4 $18)
39. Bd4 (39. f4 {makes it even easier for White} Rd7 $18)
39... Rd7 (39... Rb7 {doesn't get the bull off the ice} 40. Bc5 Kd8 41. Rf8+ Re8 42. Rc8+ Kxc8 43.Rxe8+ Kd7 44. Re7+ Kc6 45. Rxb7 Kxb7 46. h4 $18)
40. Rc8+ (40. Bc5 {seems even better} Kd8 41. Rh6 Rb7 42. Bb6+ Rxb6 43. Rxb6 Kc7 $18)
40... Rd8 (40... Ke7 {does not win a prize} 41. Rff8 Kd6 42. Bc5+ Kd5 43. g4 $18)
41. Rc7(41. Rxd8+ $142 {makes sure everything is clear} Kxd8 42. f4 $18)
41... Rxd4 42. Rff7 Rd1+ 43. Kh2 Rdd2 (43... Rc1 {doesn't get the cat off the tree} 44. f4$18)
44. g4 (44. Rh7 $142 {and White has reached his goal} Rxf2 45. Rc8+ Rd846. Rh8+ Ke7 47. Rcxd8 $18)
44... Rxf2+ 45. Kg3 (45. Rxf2 $142 {and White wins}Rxf2+ 46. Kg3 $18)
45... Rxf7 $19 46. Rc8+ Kd7 47. Rc4 (47. Rc3 Rf6 $19)
47...Re7 (47... Rd3+ {and Black can already relax} 48. Kh4 $19)
48. g5 (48. h4 Re3+49. Kf4 Red3 $19)
48... Rd6 (48... Re5 $5 {keeps an even firmer grip} 49. h4Red5 50. g6 $19)
49. h4 Rh7 (49... Re1 $5 50. Rb4 $19)
50. Kg4 Rd2 51. h5 $4 {leading to a quick end} (51. Kf5 $142 $19)
51... Rg2+ 52. Kh4 Rh2+ 53. Kg4R2xh5 (53... R7xh5 {might be the shorter path} 54. Rc3 Rh8 55. Kf4 $19)
54.Rd4+ (54. Rc5 Ke6 55. Rc6+ Ke5 56. Rc5+ Ke4 57. Rc4+ Kd5 $19)
54... Ke7 55. g6(55. Re4+ {a last effort to resist the inevitable} Kf7 56. Rf4+ Kg8 57. Rf2 $19)
55... Rh4+ 56. Kg5 (56. Kg3 {there is nothing better in the position} Rxd457. gxh7 $19)
56... R7h5# (56... Rxd4 $6 {is a weaker possibility} 57. gxh7 Rd858. Kg6 $11)
[Event "www.ChessWorld.net server game"]
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net "]
[Date "2007.02.10"]
[Round "?.22"]
[White "Raths"]
[Black "guynaub"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C27"]
[WhiteElo "1523"]
[BlackElo "1190"]
[Annotator "Fritz 10 (30s)"]
[PlyCount "112"]
[EventDate "2007.??.??"]
{C27: Vienna Game: 2...Nf6 3 Bc4 Nxe4}
1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. d3 Bb4+ {last book move}
4. Nc3 d5 {Black threatens to win material: d5xc4}
5. a3 $4 {with this move White loses his initiative} (5. exd5 Nxd5 6. Qf3 Be6 $14) 5...Ba5 (5... Bxc3+ $5 {seems even better}
6. bxc3 dxc4 7. Nf3 $19) 6. Nf3 $4 {White lets it slip away} (6. exd5 $142 {is the best chance} Bg4 7. f3 $14) 6...dxc4 $19 7. dxc4 (7. Nxe5 cxd3 8. cxd3 $19)
7... Nc6 (7... Bxc3+ $142 $5 {makes it even easier for Black} 8. bxc3 Qxd1+ 9. Kxd1 Nxe4 10. Re1 Nxf2+ 11.Ke2 $19) 8. O-O $4 {further deteriorates the position} (8. Qxd8+ Kxd8 9. b4Nxb4 10. axb4 Bxb4 $17)
8... Be6 (8... Bxc3 $142 {and the result of the game is clear: Black will win} 9. Qxd8+ Kxd8 10. bxc3Nxe4 $19)
9. b4 Bb6 (9... Bxc4 $142 10. bxa5 Bxf1 11. Qxf1 a6 $19)
10. Qe2 $4 (10. c5 $142 {had to be tried to avoid defeat} Bxc5 11. bxc5 $15) 10... Nd4 $1911. Qd3 Bxc4 (11... Nxf3+ $142 {and Black takes home the point} 12. Qxf3 Bxc4$19)
12. Qxc4 $15 Nxc2 {Black king safety dropped} (12... Nxf3+ 13. gxf3 Qd414. Qb3 $15)
13. Ra2 {White threatens to win material: Ra2xc2} Bd4 $4 {The black bishop on an outpost} (13... Nd4 $142 {saving the game} 14. Nxe5 Qe7$11)
14. Ng5 (14. Rxc2 {might be the shorter path} O-O 15. Rd1 Qe7 16. Nxd4exd4 17. Rxd4 Rfe8 $18)
14... Rf8 (14... O-O 15. Rxc2 c6 $18)
15. Rxc2 a5 (15... c6 {cannot change destiny} 16. Ne2 Bb6 17. Ng3 $18)
16. Rd1 Ra6 (16... c6{is not the saving move} 17. Nf3 axb4 18. axb4 $18 (18. Rxd4 $6 {is clearly worse} exd4 19. Nb1 Nxe4 $16) (18. Nxd4 $6 {is clearly inferior}bxc3 19. Bf4 exf4 $18))
17. Qb5+ (17. Nf3 $142 {seems even better} axb4 18.axb4 Ng4 19. Nxd4 exd4 $18)
17... Qd7 (17... c6 {does not solve anything} 18.Qe2 axb4 19. axb4 $18)
18. Qxb7 Rb6 (18... Rd6 {desperation} 19. Qa8+ Ke7 20.Qxa5 Bxc3 $18)
19. Qa8+ Ke7 20. Qa7 (20. Qxa5 $142 {keeps an even firmer grip}Re8 21. Be3 Kf8 $18)
20... c6 (20... axb4 {a fruitless try to alter the course of the game} 21. Ne2 c6 22. Qxd7+ Nxd7 23.axb4 $18)
21. Qxd7+ (21. Qxa5 $142 {secures the point} Rb7 22. Nf3 $18)
21...Nxd7 22. Nxh7 Rh8 23. Ng5 Nf6 (23... axb4 {praying for a miracle} 24. axb4 Rhb8$18)
24. bxa5 Ra6 25. Bd2 (25. Ne2 $142 {and White can already relax} Ba7 26.Ng3 g6 $18)
25... Rxa5 (25... Ng4 {does not improve anything} 26. Be1 Rxh2 27.Nf3 $18)
26. Rb1 (26. Ne2 $142 $5 {seems even better} Rha8 27. Bxa5 Rxa5 28.Rxc6 Rxa3 29. Rc7+ Nd7 30. Nxd4 exd4 31. Nxf7 Rc3 $18)
26... Rha8 (26... Rc5 {does not save the day} 27. Rb7+ Nd7 28. Nf3 $18)
27. Rb7+ (27. Nd5+ $142 {might be the shorter path} Rxd5 28. exd5 $18)
27... Kd6 (27... Ke8 {cannot undo what has already been done} 28. Nd5 $1 {Decoy: d5} R5a7 29. Nxf6+gxf6 30. Rxa7 Rxa7 31. Nh7 Rxa3 32. Nxf6+ Kd8 33. h4 Ra1+ 34. Kh2 $18) 28. a4 (28. Nb5+ cxb5 29. Nxf7+ Ke6 30. Rc6#)
28... R8a7 (28... c5 {does not help much}29. Rxf7 Rxa4 30. Nxa4 Rxa4 31. Rxg7 $18)
29. Rxf7 (29. Nb5+ cxb5 30. Nxf7+ Ke631. Rc6#)
29... Bxc3 (29... Rxf7 {doesn't do any good} 30. Nb5+ $3 {Discovered attack: c3, d2-a5} Rxb5 31. Nxf7+ (31. axb5 $6 Rc7 $18) 31... Ke732. axb5 Kxf7 33. bxc6 Nxe4 34. Bb4 $18)
30. Bxc3 Rxa4 31. h3 (31. f3 $142 {keeps an even firmer grip} c5 $18)
31... Ra2 (31... Rxf7 {doesn't change the outcome of the game} 32. Nxf7+ Ke7 33. Nxe5 Rxe4 34. Nxc6+Kf7 35. Rb2 $18)
32. Bb2 (32. Bb4+ {makes it even easier for White} c5 33. Rxc5R2a4 34. Rcc7+ Rxb4 35. Rxa7 Nxe4 36. Rfd7+ Kc5 37. Rac7+ Kb5 38. Rb7+ Kc6 39.Rdc7+ Kd5 40. Rxb4 Nxg5 41. Rb5+ Ke6 42. Rb6+ Kd5 43. Rd7+ Kc5 $18)
32... Nxe4(32... Rxf7 {is the last straw} 33. Bxe5+ $1 {Decoy: d5} Kxe5 34. Nxf7+ Kxe435. Rxa2 c5 $18)
33. Nxe4+ Kd5
34. Nf6+ $1 {surprise!} Ke6 (34... gxf6 35. Xxf6{Combination})
35. Rf8 (35. Rxa7 $142 {and White can celebrate victory} Rxa736. Rxc6+ Kf7 $18)
35... gxf6 (35... Ke7 {cannot change what is in store for ?}36. Nh7 Rb7 37. Ba3+ Rxa3 38. Rxc6 $18)
36. Rxc6+ Ke7 (36... Kd5 {doesn't improve anything} 37. Rb6 R2a6 38. Rfxf6 Rxb6 39. Rxb6 e4 $18)
37.Rfxf6 (37. Rcxf6 $142 {and White can already relax} e4 38. Bd4 R7a6 39. Bc5+Kd7 40. R8f7+ Kc8 $18)
37... Ke8 (37... Rxb2 38. g4 e4 $18)
38. Bxe5 Re2 (38...Rd2 {doesn't change anything anymore} 39. Rh6 Rd5 40. f4 $18)
39. Bd4 (39. f4 {makes it even easier for White} Rd7 $18)
39... Rd7 (39... Rb7 {doesn't get the bull off the ice} 40. Bc5 Kd8 41. Rf8+ Re8 42. Rc8+ Kxc8 43.Rxe8+ Kd7 44. Re7+ Kc6 45. Rxb7 Kxb7 46. h4 $18)
40. Rc8+ (40. Bc5 {seems even better} Kd8 41. Rh6 Rb7 42. Bb6+ Rxb6 43. Rxb6 Kc7 $18)
40... Rd8 (40... Ke7 {does not win a prize} 41. Rff8 Kd6 42. Bc5+ Kd5 43. g4 $18)
41. Rc7(41. Rxd8+ $142 {makes sure everything is clear} Kxd8 42. f4 $18)
41... Rxd4 42. Rff7 Rd1+ 43. Kh2 Rdd2 (43... Rc1 {doesn't get the cat off the tree} 44. f4$18)
44. g4 (44. Rh7 $142 {and White has reached his goal} Rxf2 45. Rc8+ Rd846. Rh8+ Ke7 47. Rcxd8 $18)
44... Rxf2+ 45. Kg3 (45. Rxf2 $142 {and White wins}Rxf2+ 46. Kg3 $18)
45... Rxf7 $19 46. Rc8+ Kd7 47. Rc4 (47. Rc3 Rf6 $19)
47...Re7 (47... Rd3+ {and Black can already relax} 48. Kh4 $19)
48. g5 (48. h4 Re3+49. Kf4 Red3 $19)
48... Rd6 (48... Re5 $5 {keeps an even firmer grip} 49. h4Red5 50. g6 $19)
49. h4 Rh7 (49... Re1 $5 50. Rb4 $19)
50. Kg4 Rd2 51. h5 $4 {leading to a quick end} (51. Kf5 $142 $19)
51... Rg2+ 52. Kh4 Rh2+ 53. Kg4R2xh5 (53... R7xh5 {might be the shorter path} 54. Rc3 Rh8 55. Kf4 $19)
54.Rd4+ (54. Rc5 Ke6 55. Rc6+ Ke5 56. Rc5+ Ke4 57. Rc4+ Kd5 $19)
54... Ke7 55. g6(55. Re4+ {a last effort to resist the inevitable} Kf7 56. Rf4+ Kg8 57. Rf2 $19)
55... Rh4+ 56. Kg5 (56. Kg3 {there is nothing better in the position} Rxd457. gxh7 $19)
56... R7h5# (56... Rxd4 $6 {is a weaker possibility} 57. gxh7 Rd858. Kg6 $11)
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Another Picture!

My baby girl just saw that her picture was no longer featured on my blog, so she made me put up another. And she is so cute I couldn't resist!
This was taken on Brutus' first night in the house. You can tell that he took right to the little one. It has been about 6 months since this was taken, and Brutus is a lot bigger, and still has his job as foot warmer for the 3 year old. He has also assumed the position of co-trouble maker and official blame dog for her. And he preforms these duties as a good god should!
Started a new book!
I've started reading "An Introduction to Chess Moves and Tactics Simply Explained" by Leonard Barden. Barden is a British Chess Co-Champion from 1954, and the book was first published in 1959 and reprinted in 1964. Very interesting book covering the most basic tactical concepts. It was a good choice as a shorter book to get into the mind of a very good chess player. It is also exposing me to a bit of different notation, as it is continually using terms like King's pawn and Queen's Rook. I think at this point it is a little confusing at times, but it is a good mental workout trying to visualize the moves with this type of notation and less detailed diagrams than what is contained in the "Idiot's Guide", which I'm considering as my chess bible for the time being.
I'm missing another Saturday night at the chess club. Having this little laptop and the ability to get onto Playchess just makes it so easy to sit here in my pajamas and get my weekly chess fix. I know the internet games are no substitute for real OTB chess, but I'm still getting a few games in a week with my 14 year old son, who unfortunately isn't reading and trying to progress like I was hoping. Oh well, I don't want to force him and he still likes playing, although I know the frustration of losing repeatedly!
I'm missing another Saturday night at the chess club. Having this little laptop and the ability to get onto Playchess just makes it so easy to sit here in my pajamas and get my weekly chess fix. I know the internet games are no substitute for real OTB chess, but I'm still getting a few games in a week with my 14 year old son, who unfortunately isn't reading and trying to progress like I was hoping. Oh well, I don't want to force him and he still likes playing, although I know the frustration of losing repeatedly!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Paid my membership at ChessWorld.net
After a week of back and forth decision making I have finally decided to drop $28.50 on a membership to the ChessWorld.net site. I do like the interface and there are so many options that you get after paying. And I saved $11 over Gameknot. That gave me money to order the "Complete Idiots Guide to Chess" , which I'm liking so much I figured that I would get a copy for the house (the Mrs. has to take the one I'm reading back to the library on Friday). The only thing that I think I will miss is the little flashing Gameknot tool bar in the corner of my browser. That's an easy thing to get addicted to!
I'll let you know how my progress is going after I get around the ChessWorld.net a bit more.
I'll let you know how my progress is going after I get around the ChessWorld.net a bit more.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Rough stretch lately...
I've been on a loosing streak as of late. I guess that I haven't made as big of a jump as I once thought. Of course, I was not playing much over the last week may have had the effect of slanting my memory as to how many games I was winning.
I've requested the weekend of Feb. 17th off work to attend the Valentine tournament. I don't think that I'm going to play, but it will be the first tournament that I am going to even see in person. I think it will be a good chance for me to see how things work and get some of the nerves out of the way in my preparation for next year. Hopefully I will be in the 1300 range and have the possibility of being competitive.
I've made it half way through "Chess Software User's Guide" and have a fair understanding of exactly what a chess database program can do for my game and how to use one. I have downloaded "ChessDB" which seems to be a pretty powerful program for being free and comes highly recommended.
I've also made it to the tactics section of "The Complete Idiots Guide to Chess". Nothing overly new in the book so far, which I think is a good thing. It proves that I have at least been playing the game correctly!
I've requested the weekend of Feb. 17th off work to attend the Valentine tournament. I don't think that I'm going to play, but it will be the first tournament that I am going to even see in person. I think it will be a good chance for me to see how things work and get some of the nerves out of the way in my preparation for next year. Hopefully I will be in the 1300 range and have the possibility of being competitive.
I've made it half way through "Chess Software User's Guide" and have a fair understanding of exactly what a chess database program can do for my game and how to use one. I have downloaded "ChessDB" which seems to be a pretty powerful program for being free and comes highly recommended.
I've also made it to the tactics section of "The Complete Idiots Guide to Chess". Nothing overly new in the book so far, which I think is a good thing. It proves that I have at least been playing the game correctly!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Up, running and playing!
Everything is up and running smoothly. I still can't quite get to my pictures folder on the main computer, but I think I can live with this the was it is for a few days. I need a break from computers and focus a bit more on chess! Won 2 games on the playchess.com, BTW! Over all not a bad day!
Really liking the Fritz 10. In friend mode it is a good opponent. Aggressive but not so much so that you have no chance against it. Haven't tried it in tournament mode yet, which I'm sure is much tougher. My 14 year old boy has even used it a couple of times, although he prefers ChessMaster 9000.
I even got Absolute Poker up and running for my wife. It seems as though PartyPoker.net doesn't like Windows Vista. I'm still up in the air over it myself, but that's whats on the laptop, so I guess I just have to learn my way around!
If you play on Absolute Poker and see a Mrs_Raths, tell her I told you to say "HI"!
Really liking the Fritz 10. In friend mode it is a good opponent. Aggressive but not so much so that you have no chance against it. Haven't tried it in tournament mode yet, which I'm sure is much tougher. My 14 year old boy has even used it a couple of times, although he prefers ChessMaster 9000.
I even got Absolute Poker up and running for my wife. It seems as though PartyPoker.net doesn't like Windows Vista. I'm still up in the air over it myself, but that's whats on the laptop, so I guess I just have to learn my way around!
If you play on Absolute Poker and see a Mrs_Raths, tell her I told you to say "HI"!
Friday, February 2, 2007
Got it to work!!
This is my first post from the the comfort of my living room! I realise that I'm jumping onto the whole wireless bandwagon late compaired to some, but at least I finally got here!
The laptop is finally up and on the net. It seems as though all of my connection problems were due to the fact that I didn't unplug my router when I had the laptop running. I have my Fritz 10 working on it and I can't wait til I get off work so I can try out PlayChess.com on the laptop! So far life is just grand!
The laptop is finally up and on the net. It seems as though all of my connection problems were due to the fact that I didn't unplug my router when I had the laptop running. I have my Fritz 10 working on it and I can't wait til I get off work so I can try out PlayChess.com on the laptop! So far life is just grand!
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Long week!
What a long week so far! Two first responder meetings at work that lasted most of the morning. Its kind of hard to stay awake after an 8 hour shift while in a dark room watching first aid videos!
Received my order from Wholesale Chess right on time as always. Now I have 7 books to make it through when I find the time! And I'm really liking Fritz 10. Great graphics, I enjoy the little comments that the program makes as your playing, and I have actually beat it twice in friend mode! I thought it would be years until that happened!
On another note, the Mrs got me a late Christmas present of an Acer laptop ($500 one from walmart)! All I was really concerned was that Fritz would run on it, but since it had the wireless built in, I just had to get a wireless router. Now if I could only figure out how to get everything to talk together I think I might be happy for a while. More on this if I figure it out!
Received my order from Wholesale Chess right on time as always. Now I have 7 books to make it through when I find the time! And I'm really liking Fritz 10. Great graphics, I enjoy the little comments that the program makes as your playing, and I have actually beat it twice in friend mode! I thought it would be years until that happened!
On another note, the Mrs got me a late Christmas present of an Acer laptop ($500 one from walmart)! All I was really concerned was that Fritz would run on it, but since it had the wireless built in, I just had to get a wireless router. Now if I could only figure out how to get everything to talk together I think I might be happy for a while. More on this if I figure it out!
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