Saturday, February 10, 2007

Started a new book!

I've started reading "An Introduction to Chess Moves and Tactics Simply Explained" by Leonard Barden. Barden is a British Chess Co-Champion from 1954, and the book was first published in 1959 and reprinted in 1964. Very interesting book covering the most basic tactical concepts. It was a good choice as a shorter book to get into the mind of a very good chess player. It is also exposing me to a bit of different notation, as it is continually using terms like King's pawn and Queen's Rook. I think at this point it is a little confusing at times, but it is a good mental workout trying to visualize the moves with this type of notation and less detailed diagrams than what is contained in the "Idiot's Guide", which I'm considering as my chess bible for the time being.

I'm missing another Saturday night at the chess club. Having this little laptop and the ability to get onto Playchess just makes it so easy to sit here in my pajamas and get my weekly chess fix. I know the internet games are no substitute for real OTB chess, but I'm still getting a few games in a week with my 14 year old son, who unfortunately isn't reading and trying to progress like I was hoping. Oh well, I don't want to force him and he still likes playing, although I know the frustration of losing repeatedly!



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